The Situlae Festival 2021
date: 13. 05. 2021
At part of its tradition, the Museum of Dolenjska is organizing the Situlae Festival 2021 at the end od June, drawing upon an interesting program that will celebrate the life of the Iron Age. The Festival is dedicated to the extraordinary bronze monuments – situlae, which are a remarkable testimony of the Iron Age culture in the area of today's Novo mesto. Historians consider this culture equal to who were equal to other civilizations of Continental and Mediterranean Europe of the time, therefore the Situlae art is recognized at the most important artistic expression of prehistoric Europe. The event will take place on the 26th of June 2021 at the Main square of Novo mesto.
The Sitalae Festival is also known as the Festival of the Old Iron Age Living and Cooking. The visitors will be able to get a taste of Iron Age life and cusine by participating in different workshops and visiting an exhibition of photographs and costumes.
The Early Iron Age or the Hallstatt Period, covering the period between the 8th and 4th centuries BC, was named after an important raw material of the time − iron. Among the most important findings of the time are bronze, figurativelly decorated situlae, which were used as prestigious table and protocol vessels. They are made of thin, shiny bronze sheet metal and decorated with mythical and heroic scenes. Nine such decorated bronze monuments and seven unadorned ones originate from Novo mesto, which in turn is referred to as the Town of Situlae. The rich and vivid situlae art narrative unveilsthe life of a socially highly stratified prehistoric society.
You are kindly invited to attend the Situlae Festival 2021 and enjoy the show accompanied by excellent cuisine.
More information about the Situlae Festival is available at: